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.. Episode Guide - Episode 17 ..

Original Name: The Deal
Czech Name: Dohoda
Written By: Peter Lefcourt
Directed By: George Mendeluk
Original Air Date: March 30, 1995 (Canada); March 30, 1995 (USA)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

A mafia boss from Ray's neighborhood insists that the police investigate the robbery of a church poor-box. Fraser and Ray get caught in the middle when the vengeful mobster seeks his pound of flesh.

When the poor-box from Ray's neighborhood church is robbed, Frank Zuko demands that the police bring the culprit to justice. Ray grew up with Zuko, who's grown from a schoolyard bully into a dangerous mafia boss, and knows that Zuko rules the neighbourhood just as he ruled the schoolyard: with fear. Still, the law's the law, and Fraser and Ray have no choice but to go after the poor-box thief. They track down and arrest Joey Paducci, a destitute shoemaker who was forced out of business by Zuko's strong-arm tactics.

Fraser realises that Zuko has been using them, forcing the cops to find Joey so that his goons can move in and exact Zuko's pound of flesh from the hapless young shoemaker. Fraser and Ray's attempt to sneak Joey out of town goes wrong when one of Zuko's informants tells him that Joey is boarding a bus at the local package depot. A hair-raising chase over and through the buses ends up in the depot warehouse. Fraser saves Joey, but is beaten to within an inch of his life by Zuko's goons.

Ray realises that Zuko won't rest until his personal army of thugs has nailed Joey. Spurred on by the schoolyard memory of standing back when Zuko pummeled one of his friends, Ray decides that the only way to end Zuko's reign of terror is by facing up to it. Ray confronts Zuko one on one, risking his own life to make a deal for Joey's safety.

Meanwhile, Fraser has to face up to an entirely different brand of fear, when Ray's sister Francesca, decides it's time she and Fraser had sex.

<<< Episode 16 - Modrá čára (The Blue Line)
Episode 18 - Pozvánka na romanci (An Invitation To Romance) >>>


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