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.. Episode Guide - Episode 32 ..

Original Name: We Are The Eggmen
Czech Name: Obchodníci s vejci
Written By: James Kramer
Teleplay By: Peter Mohan, Michael Teversham
Directed By: George Bloomfield
Original Air Date: February 29, 1996 (Canada); March 1, 1996 (USA); January 3, 1997 (Luxembourg)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Concerned that his wolf has become soft and lost his wilderness skills after too much city living, Fraser takes Diefenbaker out for a training session in the dark hours before dawn. He stumbles on a road hazard, and when he warns an oncoming farm truck, the truck swerves and ends up teetering on an embankment. Fraser saves the driver, but in the process the farmer's cargo -- a couple thousand fresh eggs on their way to market -- is destroyed.

The next day, Fraser discovers that he, the RCMP and Canada itself, are being sued by Lyndon Buxley, the rescued farmer, and mysteriously, last night's road hazard seems never to have existed.

Fraser approaches Buxley to straighten things out and finds that the man who is threatening to ruin his life and career with the lawsuit is himself in trouble. Buxley, an artist of chicken breeding, has created a superior tasting egg which is also low in cholesterol. The competition wants his farm, methods and formula and are using the leverage of his gambling debts to get them. In clearing himself of the allegations in the lawsuit, Fraser helps Buxley, is trapped in a sweltering incubator with Inspector Thatcher, and battles strong arm farmers wielding guns with, well . . . eggs.

In a parallel story Ray buys lottery tickets for himself and his sister Francesca and wins. Francesca thinks she is due half the money since they each put in equal amounts. Ray thinks he should get it all since the ticket that won was, he says, bought with his dollar.

<<< Episode 31 - Ostří (The Edge)
Episode 33 - Hvězdný muž (Starman) >>>


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