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.. Episode Guide - Episode 39 ..

Original Name: Red, White Or Blue
Czech Name: Červená, modrá nebo bílá
Story By: Paul Gross, John Krizanc
Teleplay by: Paul Gross
Directed By: George Bloomfield
Original Air Date: May 16, 1996 (Canada); May 24, 1996 (USA); January 11, 1997 (Luxembourg)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Incarcerated and awaiting trial, Randal Bolt, the leader of the terrorists in "All the Queen's Horses," plans his revenge on Fraser and Ray. With the help of his brother Francis and his cousins Vern and Gabe, Randal plans for his escape and the elimination of Fraser and Ray.

Vern and Gabe, posing as Fraser and Ray, kidnap our heroes just as Randal Bolt's trial is set to begin. Randal's family takes the courtroom hostage -- strapping bombs to Fraser, Ray, the judge and the jury. The FBI readies to meet Bolt's demands for a helicopter for their escape while S.W.A.T. Teams await instruction.

Fraser and Ray are trapped in the courthouse strapped to a bomb set to go off if their combined heart rates exceed 200 beats per minute. Trying to remain calm, they must diffuse the bomb, choosing between the red, white or blue wires of the detonator, save the hostages, the Justice Building, thirty million in bonds and put Bolt back behind bars.

<<< Episode 38 - Souboj (The Duel)
Episode 40 - Útržky vzpomínek (Flashback) >>>


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