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.. Episode Guide - Episode 42 ..

Original Name: Eclipse
Czech Name: Zatmění
Written By: John Krizanc
Directed By: Richard J. Lewis
Original Air Date: September 21, 1997 (Canada); Week of September 22-28, 1997 (USA); March 4 / March 18, 1998 (Australia); November 12, 1997 (South Africa); February 1, 1998 (Switzerland); June 6, 1998 (UK)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

The Internal Affairs Division descends upon the 27th district when a felon fingers Ray Vecchio as a dirty cop. Assistant State's Attorney Brandauer, who has a grudge against Welsh when the detective put the man's brother behind bars, is only too eager to take down every cop he can.

When Fraser comes to the station in preparation for Ray's (the real Ray's) birthday party, he is informed of this situation and must track down the new 'Ray,' who appears to have disappeared. Little does anyone know that Ray has his own agenda for the day, despite the potentially disastrous implications if he doesn't talk to IAD.

After checking out Ray's apartment, Fraser tracks the edgy detective down to a crypt in a graveyard, where Ray is staking out one Marcus Ellery, a man from his past. Ellery's mother is being buried that day, and Ray is positive that the felon will appear.

As the day drags on, and the two men are interrupted by a smuggling scheme, a widow carrying out her husband's peculiar last wishes, the reasons behind Rays' hostilities surface: as a young teenager, Ray was humiliated by Ellery during a bank robbery, and now Ray wants his revenge.

But Ellery doesn't show, so he must release his 'hostages' (the smugglers) to the Chicago PD and Fraser sends the elderly widow off on her merry way. It is then that Fraser confesses he knows a lot about Stanley Raymond Kowalski - the man impersonating Ray Vecchio. Ray understands that he must let go of the past. After Fraser gives the detective his 'birthday present,' Ray spots Ellery at the grave. He attacks the criminal and both topple into the open grave as a solar eclipse blackens the city. It is then that Ray truly realizes that Ellery doesn't know him from a hole in the wall, and that only Ray remembers the life-changing incident. Ray lets the man go.

Back at the station, Ray deals with IAD. He insists on a lineup, which clears him (and the real Ray Vecchio) of any wrongdoing. Soon the party festivities are underway - which include that Yukon classic of 'bobbing for trout.'

<<< Episode 41 - Zapal tento dům (Burning Down The House)
Episode 43 - Mohl jsem být obžalovaný (I Coulda Been A Defendant) >>>


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