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.. Episode Guide - Episode 56 ..

Original Name: Likely Story
Czech Name: Pravděpodobný příběh
Written By: David Young
Directed By: Stephen Surjik
Original Air Date: January 21, 1999 (Canada); Week of March 2-8, 1998 (USA); June 3, 1998 (Australia); June 3, 1998 (South Africa); May 17, 1998 (Switzerland)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Yearning for the wilderness, Fraser camps out in [a] Chicago Park where he makes new friends, including Mr. Tucci, a pretzel vendor. When Mr. Tucci is gunned down, Fraser promises to look after his dying friend's wife. Stan is smitten by Luanne, Mrs. Tucci's attractive personal attendant. When Fraser camps out in the Tucci's backyard to guard Mrs. Tucci, Stan camps out to keep an eye on Fraser.

It turns out that Mr. Tucci, the simple pretzel vendor, was actually a millionaire. He willed his entire estate to his long-lost son, Franco Jr. At the funeral, well-attended by members of the Chicago mob, Franco Jr. reappears. Despite his attraction to Luanne, Stan begins to suspect that she may be involved in the murder.

A professional hitman tries to shoot Frankie but saves his life. The hitman, Nervous Nellie, thought he killed Frankie years ago in Phoenix. It was a mob hit. If the mob finds out Frankie is alive, Nellie could be dead. Fraser talks Nellie into turning himself over to the Chicago police. Meanwhile, before Mr. Tucci died, someone in the Tucci household hired a private investigator to search for the lost son. Now the investigator seems to have disappeared.

Fraser and Stan are confronted by several mysteries: Is Frankie really Mrs. Tucci's long-lost son? Is Luanne involved in the murder? How did a pretzel vendor become a millionaire? Stan fears following his heart may cloud his judgment. But if Luanne is innocent, he could be missing out on the love of a lifetime.

<<< Episode 55 - Rychlý prachy (Easy Money)
Episode 57 - Šance na výhru (Odds) >>>


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