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.. Episode Guide - Episode 57 ..

Original Name: Odds
Czech Name: Šance na výhru
Written By: Rob Forsyth
Directed By: Steve DiMarco
Original Air Date: November 11, 1998 (Canada); Week of March 16-22, 1998 (USA); July 1, 1998 (Australia); June 10, 1998 (South Africa); May 31, 1998 (Switzerland)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

The Chicago PD is cracking down on gambling. With Stan as their man on the inside, they stake out a big money poker game. Unfortunately, they aren't quite prepared for a masked man who blasts a hole through the wall and takes off with the pot. The robber, Joey, gets away but the police arrest a professional poker player - the beautiful and legendary Denny Scarpa. To Fraser's surprise, Dief falls in love with Ante, Denny's poodle. The Feds turn up and offer Denny a deal. She's scheduled to play a grudge match against Farah, a fugitive on their Ten Most Wanted list. If she helps them capture Farah, they'll drop the charges against her.

When Joey turns up at Denny's apartment, Fraser is worried that Joey may be trying to eliminate her as a witness. Fraser takes Denny to the consulate for protection. Stan warns him not to fall in love with Denny - she's a dangerous woman with a mysterious past. On the condition that he be allowed into the game with Farah, Fraser hands Denny over to the Feds. The cops try to teach Fraser to play poker, but they're frustrated by his natural honesty. They think he's bluffing, and he wins every pot.

On the big night, the Feds and the Chicago PD set up a surveillance room next door to the game. Just before the game begins, Fraser learns Farah killed Denny's brother. As he watches on the monitor, Stan realizes that Joey is at the table - Farah's not the most dangerous man in the game after all. Stan bursts in, creating mayhem. Fraser pursues Denny onto a ledge, and as they balance there, with the city below them, Fraser must make a difficult decision.

<<< Episode 56 - Pravděpodobný příběh (Likely Story)
Episode 58 - Miláček žen (The Ladies' Man) >>>


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