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.. Episode Guide - Episode 25 ..

Original Name: The Witness
Czech Name: Svědkyně
Written By: Peter Mohan
Directed By: George Bloomfield
Original Air Date: December 14, 1995 (Canada); December 15, 1995 (USA); December 26, 1996 (Luxembourg); December 26, 1998 (The Netherlands)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

What seems like an open and shut case lands Ray in jail and Fraser must break the silence of a frightened witness or leave Ray fighting for more than just his reputation.

An open and shut case turns sour when Ray is accused of forcing a woman to provide false testimony against Kruger, an old rival awaiting bail on a murder charge. Tempers flare and Ray lands himself in jail on a contempt of court charge that leaves him vulnerable to every con he's ever thrown the book at.

Fraser smells something amiss and learns that a jailbird conspiracy might be threatening Eddie, the witness's husband. With Eddie, Kruger, and now Ray all behind the same bars, Fraser has no choice but to pursue the case from the inside.

Sacrificing personal beliefs for the bigger picture, Fraser enlists the assistance of Detectives Huey and Gardino to teach him how to commit a crime -- such as stealing a box of Milk Duds. It is no easy task, but Fraser does eventually manage to get himself arrested and finally succeeds in landing behind bars.

Fraser befriends the jail inmates as their library monitor with his personalized reading suggestions. He attempts to protect his partner while gaining the confidence of a threatened Eddie, who is biding the 24 hours until his parole.

In an environment far from law and order, Kruger and his men turn the prison population against the two cops in custody and corner their helpless prey. But a lumbering cellmate saves the day, Ray, and Fraser, having learned from Fraser that even in prison a man can behave with decency toward his fellow man.

His time up, Eddie is set free and Ray and Fraser, exonerated, return to the streets.

Ray and Fraser once again cross swords with States Attorney Louise St. Laurent. Louise still suspects Ray and Fraser of being dirty cops due to the escape of Fraser's dark lady, Victoria, in last season's "Victoria's Secret." Ray, however, decides to turn Louise's interest in him to his advantage, trying to prove that even a prosecutor can fall for his Italian charm.

<<< Episode 24 - Trezor (Vault)
Episode 26 - Vrabec v hrsti (Bird In The Hand) >>>


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