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.. Episode Guide - Episode 64 ..

Original Name: Hunting Season
Czech Name: Lovecká sezóna
Written By: Julie Lacey
Directed By: Francis Damberger
Original Air Date: March 11, 1999 (Canada); December 10, 1998 (USA); August 26, 1998 (Australia); July 22, 1998 (South Africa); July 12, 1998 (Switzerland)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Constable Maggie Mackenzie, on the trail of her husband's killers, ends up in Chicago. Needless to say, Fraser drops everything to help a fellow Mountie in need and takes her to the police to meet Stan, who develops a major crush on the woman. Throughout the episode, Stan and Fraser vie for her attentions.

Their investigation brings them to the house of a suspect, who was arrested with the Torelly brothers (the murderers) for bank robbery. The suspect refuses to talk, but Maggie goes back later that night and gets an address out of him. This leads to a warehouse where the Torellys used to stay. However, Stan gets a phone call and it turns out that the man whom Maggie met with the previous evening is now dead. It doesn't help that Maggie takes off, which leaves everyone suspicious of her motives.

Meanwhile, a jealous Thatcher (who found Fraser and Maggie in the closet together - you must watch the episode to know why) has investigated the Mountie's record: she was suspended for resorting to violent means to discover the killers' identities.

Fraser and Stan discover that her husband (Casey) was also a bank robber in cahoots with the Torellsy. He was going to turn them in to Maggie, so they killed him. Fraser's duty is to apprehend Maggie, and he can't bring himself to do it, so Thatcher suspends him. Despite that, Fraser goes off to find the Mountie. Clues lead Fraser to a construction site where he finds the Torellys doing what they do best, robbing a bank. Maggie is also there, and manages to get a confession out of one of them.

Both Fraser and Maggie are re-instated, and all ends well.

<<< Episode 63 - Řekni Ámen (Say Amen)
Episode 65 - Volání divočiny I. (Call Of The Wild - Part 1) >>>


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