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.. Episode Guide - Episode 7 ..

Original Name: Chicago Holiday - Part 1
Czech Name: Prázdniny v Chicagu I.
Written By: Jeff King, Paul Haggis
Directed By: Paul Lynch
Original Air Date: November 10, 1994 (Canada); November 10, 1994 (USA)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

An apparently mundane Consulate assignment escalates into a wild ride for Fraser. Christina Nichols, the sixteen year old daughter of a Canadian diplomat, is placed in his charge for the evening and chooses that night to wildly break free from her repressive lifestyle. From bizarre after-hours clubs and a police raid to a tourist bus and a foreigner looking for Graceland, Fraser tries desperately to keep up with the debutante turned hell-raiser.

Unfortunately, Fraser isn't the only one trying to keep pace with Christina. She's also being tailed by the very man that Ray and half of Chicago's finest are desperately trying to track down. What Christina, Fraser and Ray don't realise is that in the course of her adventures Christina has picked up something of desperate importance to this crimelord -- something he's already shown a willingness to kill for.

<<< Episode 6 - Čínská čtvrť (Chinatown)
Episode 8 - Prázdniny v Chicagu II. (Chicago Holiday - Part 2) >>>


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