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.. Episode Guide - Episode 8 ..

Original Name: Chicago Holiday - Part 2
Czech Name: Prázdniny v Chicagu II.
Written By: Jeff King, Paul Haggis
Directed By: Lyndon Chubbuck
Original Air Date: November 17, 1994 (Canada); November 17, 1994 (USA)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

As the conclusion to this two part episode opens, Christina Nichols, sixteen year old daughter of a Canadian diplomat has decided that she doesn't need a chaperone and has managed to elude Fraser. For once in her life, she just wants to be an adult -- to be able to decide what she's going to do and when. Unfortunately, she may have eluded Fraser, but she hasn't eluded the killer that Ray and the rest of the force are desperately trying to hunt down. Unbeknownst to her, she has accidentally acquired something that he is prepared to kill for.

As she innocently seeks fun and adventure in the Chicago night, Fraser and Ray must find her, keep her alive and help her learn that growing up isn't just about growing older. It's a task which takes Fraser back to a wild after hours club as well as tobogganing down an escalator and plummeting down a garbage chute.

<<< Episode 7 - Prázdniny v Chicagu I. (Chicago Holiday - Part 1)
Episode 9 - Policisté a miminko (A Cop, A Mountie & A Baby) >>>


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